Finally! Our computer crashed this week. Several days of attempted repair ended in the purchasing of a new one. There was some trouble with transferring data also, so tonight (!) I've got the pictures, I've got a working computer and I'm able to finally post them!
A sneak preview. Miss Cecily and her cake.
Back to the beginning. Birthday breakfast. She's very adept at funny faces for the camera. We had cinnamon biscuits and sauteed apples.
Birthday dinner, toddler style. We had biscuit-wrapped hot dogs, some cheese-sauced vegies and a new salad I tried which was (ahem) nasty. Seriously bad salad. The kids loved the hot dogs of course and wanted to know why I don't make that more often. :)
Cards and money! :) Thank you Grandma Bethel and Grandpa Larry!
Putting her money in her jar.
Opening cards from brothers.
Loving the pictures colored by her brothers.
First gift.
Her own backpack! It has been the bane of her life that every sibling has a backpack and she doesn't. Problem remedied.
A spinning-top toy.
What could it be?

Something from Grammy. Something to match my sister.
She's figuring out what it is...
A leotard and skirt. There were some ballerina pajamas included too.
Clapping. Dancing clothes is happiness.

"Hi mom."

Eventually, Cecily decided it was most fun to fall down.
Sister kept trying to get her back up...
...which she thought was very funny.
Will comes to dance with the birthday girl.
When we headed back upstairs for cake, I remembered that we hadn't got out the big toys I had got for her. This little seesaw was $3 at a consignment sale I went to.
And the slide was $5. I knew she would enjoy these this winter when she can't play on the swingset outside much.
Climbing up to try it out.
I don't know why she had her tongue out, but it was pretty funny. I guess she was concentrating.

Grand Finale.
Singing along.
OK. So there were a lot of pictures with this face or something similar. I didn't post them, but I thought I'd post just this one, since it SO Cecily after all. We sure had a fun evening with our littlest sweetheart. This is such a fun age when we get to know a child better and see so much more of their personality. Hooray for toddlerhood!
How fun! Happy Birthday Cecily! Hard to believe she's 2 already. Enjoyed this post and the descriptions beneath each photo. I'd probably post on my blog more often if I could figure out how to post under each pic! Still haven't figured that out yet. I think I did it a couple times and now it doesn't work.
Again, I felt like I was right there, hearing the laughter, enjoying the fun. I remember having a big top just like the one you got Cecily - or someone got for her. I loved that thing and totally wore it out.
Glad you are back in biz with the computer. So frustrating when they go down.
Happy Harvest Season,
Oh yeah! Happy belated birthday Cecily! I remember when Athan was that age and he would make all these funny faces. She is SO cute and the ballerina outfits are precious on the two girls. :-)
Julie, this was a really cute post. I enjoyed every bit of it! It's almost as good as being there, but not quite : ) Thanks for sharing all your fun. Love, Mom
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