Now that snow seems like a distant dream, I'm posting my last snow pictures. A few weeks back, Matt and Tricia invited the folks from church out to the property of Matt's family to do some sled riding. I didn't take many pictures as I was engrossed in conversation with Tricia. :-)
The log you see to the right of Ben made a nice sled jump. William went over it again and again, getting some air every time.
Amelia took a turn or two with dad.
Mr. Evan Jackson playing with Amelia.
Some of the young men created a couch-sled by attaching some snow boards (I think) to the bottom of a loveseat.
This is a pretty good shot of the sledding hill. The fellas are carrying up the couch sled for another ride down.
The video below is sideways. I wasn't going to post it because it is difficult to see, but I had a request for it. :) You can see for yourself (sort of!) the journey of the couch-sled down the hill. Someone stayed behind it to push it and keep it going (or maybe to steer it?). Samuel was riding the couch for this trip down.