I had started this post before the birth so I thought I'd finish it up and go ahead and post it.
New Year's Eve was such a nice, relaxing day that I took some pictures of things we enjoyed.
The kids had one of those days where everyone played so nicely together.
I found these two coloring together in the guest room.
These two were up on Sam's top bunk trying out their new Guess Who? game that they got for Christmas.
Someone else was busy cooking...
...and feasting together. They even set up pillar candles next to their places.
Next, there was a feast that was just for mommy.
Complete with this amazing dessert tray!
Later in the day I found Cecily cleaning up some debris that she had scattered from carrying around this bag of sweet potatoes. What was so great was that she went and got the broom out of the garage by herself and got her play pink dustpan and was doing this without any help at all. Way to go Cecily!
Some fun and festive food to celebrate New Year's Eve.
We got sparkling juice for everyone and I fried some honey-buttermilk dipped Chicken Fingers. We love to dip them in honey mustard.