I'm finally posting the pictures from Benny's 8th birthday.

Ben had his own idea to have a picnic dinner for his birthday. Being early April, we waited to plan the exact day to celebrate until the weather forecast looked promising. Then we planned our first trip of the season out to Cooper's Rock.

When we unloaded out of the car was the first time I got a look at the accessories that Cecily had added to her outfit without me knowing it. She was wearing a bonnet and a cowboy belt.

There's some rocks by the parking area that are the first thing to get climbed on every time we come. Here is Millie peeking through Cal's feet when he's climbing on the rocks.

Keeping those serious faces is a lot harder than it looks. :)

Feels so good to be outside again!

We took a hike before dinner and climbed some large rocks along the way.

Everyone on top. Elijah and I stayed on solid ground.

Cecily and her bonnet.

Until she wanted it off, that is.

While Peter lit the grill and waited for the briquettes to be ready, Ben and I walked to the scenic overlook.

Gazing down into the drop-off.


Going to see the view...

It was quite warm, and the wind was really picking up. Amazingly beautiful on the overlook.

Ben notices a group of large birds soaring nearby.

I think there were 8. Hawks maybe. They were enjoying the warm, thermal air currents too.

They put in a playground at the picnic area! What a great addition.

Getting very windy now.

Ben and his hot dogs.

I know I wouldn't have thought of a picnic in April, but it was wonderful. What a great idea.

It got so windy after we ate that we went ahead and took the cake and gifts back home.

Ben had requested a cake with a scene on it. He wanted it to include animals. I bought him some new farm animal figurines and made an attempt at a farmyard scene. ;)

Happy Birthday!

I got these great wrapping papers out of the dollar bins at Target. I really love thos bins.

A card from William.

From his Papa and Grammy.

"Cool!" A lego-type building set to make a camouflage tank.

A new Jonathan Park CD set.

From Uncle John and Aunt Leslie. I'll have to post a picture of his finished plate. He got it back in the mail already.

Last? Can you tell what it is? He had been expressing a desire for a lever-action rifle. It's hard to find one that's made with any quality, but we're hoping this one will hold up for at least a little while.

As soon as someone pulls out a knife, this is what happens every time. Maybe because I'm not a boy, it cracks me up to see them all hovering around. What is it about sharp implements?

Suh-weet! Nothing like the feel of a gun in your hand. He loves it. It's been his trusty companion ever since.