This lovely couple recently moved to our area and have joined our small church congregation. They were just married in May and are expecting their first child in February. They moved here for Josh to pursue his doctorate at the West Virginia University, which he began a few weeks ago. On Saturday, Josh was found unconscious on the side of the road, apparently thrown from his bicycle and is, as of today, Tuesday, still in the ICU with head trauma injuries and several broken bones. I was at the hospital tonight to visit them and Josh is finally showing some signs of improvement. He has been almost continually asleep and showing very little comprehension of things. He is, thankfully, showing a little more wakefulness and some indication of increased understanding and recognition. Peter and the elders prayed over him and anointed him as is talked about in James 5, this morning. If you think to pray for his recovery, James also says the prayer of faith is not unheard. His wife is Kristin and she is managing very well. Thank you for praying. 

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