I just realized that I never put up any pictures from Sam's birthday. They are few, he's wearing swim clothes and my camera dies at the end, never to recover, yet, I will post them to prove that he did indeed turn 11 at the end of July.
Sam and his gifts.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Art Project: Egg Paint

Mixing in the egg yolk and stir, stirring.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
A Little Something to Show Off
He randomly twisted his foot last week upon hitting a chair while running in the basement. We waited a few days, thinking it was nothing, but the swelling and pain didn't go away. Sure enough, he slightly fractured a bone in his foot and the Dr. decided to cast it to avoid the risk of him hitting it and causing a complete fracture that would require surgery. Really not a major injury, but he gets all the appearance of one! He's doing just fine. :)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Tour of Completed Projects On Our Home
I thought I'd post some pictures of the changes to our home and some projects that got finished over the summer. I took these with things as they were. I did very little, and in most cases, nothing, to fix up the rooms before photographing them. If you came to visit me, this is what you'd see, so....welcome to my home!
I'll begin upstairs. You've already seen the new paint on the girls room. We also painted the third upstairs bedroom, that used to be the boys' room. The walls are now a lovely light blue. It is the same color as the boys' new room. The can of paint we used was left over from that painting job. Currently, I'm doing the seasonal clothing shift and all the boxes of clothes from the attic are relegated to this spare room. I haven't fixed up this room at all yet. It does have and will continue to hold a guest bed and my sewing machine and sewing supplies. I plan to move the crib in here when we move Cecily to a bed. It should provide a quiet space for the new baby to sleep until he/she is big enough to move into a room with siblings.
There was some wall paper to scrape in this room, so that took a little time. Then we shampooed the carpet and primed and painted the walls. It's very ready for me to situate the furniture and hang some curtains when I get around to it.
One helpful change done here was this built-in bookshelf that has replaced the old doorway to the unfinished storage space that used to be on the other side. Peter is able to have a lot more of his commentaries and study helps near his desk because of it.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Do I Look Different?
Guess what?!! We are now picture-able again! I was starting to get pretty itchy to start posting pictures again, so it worked out at a good time. :)
First to welcome you back is Cecily. She's first because she's the one whose behavior and words daily remind us that she is growing up. She got a little haircut and I've been wanting to update the grandmas on her new look. Her 2nd birthday is less than a month away and I guess she's having a growth/development spurt. She's talking so much more. She said her first sentence. (Even if it was, "This is unders.") And her comprehension is amazing.
She's showing you that we removed the side of her crib to turn it into a toddler bed. She's doing very well adjusting to her new freedom to get out of bed on her own.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
B17 Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey"

The B-17 is over 74 feet long and has a wingspan of 103 feet. It is also bristling with offensive armament. The latest B-17 model carried 13, 50 caliber machine guns, and could carry about 8,000 pounds of bombs. This model carried one major attribute not found in the others; it had a Chin Turret. This is located under the front end. This was added to protect the plane from head on attack.
Mom: I see so much in the above picture that I never would have noticed before. Notice the ball turret on the bottom, dorsal turret on top, chin turret below the nose, all with guns sticking out, not to mention the tail guns, the waist guns in the middle and the cheek position guns. There are 13 machine guns sticking out in every direction to protect this plane. It makes it so interesting to walk around it and see all these positions where the gunners would have perched. The bombay doors on the bottom of the plane were open and we could walk underneath and look up into the compartment where the bombs were stored. Just in case this is at all interesting to you, I'm including a link to a picture slideshow tour that shows the inside from nose to tail.

Mom: Above and below are blueprint pictures for a different plane, the model that my Grandfather, Frank Vernon, flew in and loaded: B24 Liberator. We did a little comparison to see the differences.

Mom: Above and below are blueprint pictures for a different plane, the model that my Grandfather, Frank Vernon, flew in and loaded: B24 Liberator. We did a little comparison to see the differences.
Samuel: The blueprints above are for the kind of plane that was more commonly flown in the Pacific theatre. Grandpa Frank probably would have been more likely loading something like this. It has a wingspan of a 110 ft. and it's length is 66 ft. It would have been very well armed with about 10 guns and 8,800 lbs. of bombs.
This plane looks a little less graceful than the B17 and the wings are a lot higher up on the fuselage (that is the main trunk of the plane). In the Pacific, especially during the later part of the war, bomber squadrons with these planes would have operated off islands such as Iwo Jima, and Chichi Jima.

The above blueprint pictures were all obtained from www.the-blueprints.com.
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