We have a terrarium which currently contains two toads. It also holds numerous other bugs which we have caught and deposited over the weeks. When a animal or bug is caught it almost always goes into the terrarium . We named the toads Teddy and Compass. This photo is of Teddy.
It was tricky getting a good picture of him.
We caught an extremely large specie of wolf spider and called him Parker.

As you can see Compass is a little bigger than Teddy.

A quick scientific fact,all toads are mildly poisonous,but Teddy's huge cousin,the giant toad is deadly.(Note the poison glands behind Compass' eyes.)
As you can see Compass is a little bigger than Teddy.
A quick scientific fact,all toads are mildly poisonous,but Teddy's huge cousin,the giant toad is deadly.(Note the poison glands behind Compass' eyes.)
And Thank you Samuel. Now I know quite a bit about you and the creatures you bring into your life. Naming a spider, eh? That is a first. (Smiles) You much have such fun learning about each animal you encounter. I remember a dog that got very sick when he was bitten by a toad. It is good to remember how harmful they can be.
Have fun. I love it when you boys post.
Love to you and all of your brothers and sisters, Kathy
Sam, I enjoyed this post and all the pictures. You did a great job writing in your comments. However, not only could I not see poison glands on Turk, I could not even spot his eyes! That made me smile. I didn't realize all toads are poisonous, thanks for the lesson. Grammy
PS: Papa has a story for you and Will the next time you call.
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