Sunday, November 23, 2014

Writing as Obedience

I do not like writing.  It does not make me happy.  It is tedious and full of all kinds of detail that I hate to worry about or mess with.  This probably accounts for why I've never worked on it and improved my ability to do it.

The Lord has been showing me that I have had a view of obedience to Him that could be summed up by "doing what He says when it is what I want to do or planned to do anyway."  I'm slowly beginning to experience, not just mentally assent, that real submission is doing what is required of me at this time that I don't want to do.  I know.  It seems basic.  But somehow I'm only beginning to get it and really work on it and one of the things that I'm painfully exercising this in right now is...writing.

1 comment:

Jennie and Julie said...

Well, so we are not alike in some areas! I do like to write, when I have plenty of time to work on it. I like your thoughts on obedience, it's something we all have to grapple with, and I think of the prophets who obeyed when it was terrible for them. They must have thought "I didn't sign up for this, isn't there some way out of this job I've been assigned to?" Sometimes I act like that. It's not a one time lesson is it? Slowly, slowly He bring us along. Good post.