Sunday, August 3, 2008


Today is 30 weeks. It doesn't seem quite possible that I have 10 weeks to go. I have felt really well up until this week. The baby seems to be fine, but my energy has dropped substantially and many small aches and pains have come up. The midwife said I was a little low on iron at my last visit, so I just got a supplement and I think that will likely help some. Baby is moving and growing, we're excited!


Nancy B` said...

So fun to see the pictures of you. I have been enjoying seeing all the pictures of your family also. Your mom gave me your blog address and it is soo fun.
Carrie is headed to the hospital tomorrow for the delivery of their baby girl. Will let you know when baby girl Erickson is born.
Take care of yourself and get some rest if that is possible with your busy little family.

Peter Jones said...

Thanks for leaving a note. I'm so excited to hear about Carrie's baby. Please let me know when you know something. I'll say a prayer for her today.

Jennifer Meysenburg said...

You are beautiful!

Scott and Jaime Miller said...


you look stunning!
