Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Before I tell you what Peter said on Sunday morning that I thought was pretty funny, I'm going to attempt to set the scene for you. On Sunday morning we had pancakes, bacon and homemade applesauce for breakfast. Peter graciously has Amelia sit by him at every meal that he's home for, so that he can relieve me of the duties of feeding/training the baby. We enjoyed the food with a particular relish, but as it involved sticky syrup, bacon grease, and gloppy applesauce, clean up was a little more substantial than some meals, especially for the baby. We were almost done directing and helping the kids clear the table when Peter says, "You know the greatest risk that I take all week long?" I racked my brain. What could he be about to say? Taking risks is a topic we discuss from time to time. Hmm. What would be the greatest risk he takes in a week? The answer came, "Putting on my suit before breakfast on Sundays." Hee, hee. I thought that was pretty funny. I guess that can be my quote for the week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute story...I can just picture it! I look forward to looking at your blog every morning to see if there's something new...and it's so fun when there is. I can hardly believe you have time for it, but I love that you do.

Who is John Wayne that left a comment??