After church on Sunday we invited all of the single young men to come over to our house for lunch. Five of them were able to come. This is a few of them going through the food line.
Enjoying conversation around the table. From left to right is Peter, Tim Woody, Kent ?, Matt Regar, Ern Poh and Calvin.
Evan is getting to be good friends with the boys.
Matt and Evan both had birthdays in the previous week and Calvin's was coming in two days, so we put some birthday candles in their dessert. For some reason, Calvin ducked out of the picture as we were singing.
There he is.
Ben wanted me to get a picture of his brownie that he was really enjoying.

Ern is here in Morgantown to attend the University. He is from Malaysia. He is actually chinese, but has grown up in Malaysia where his father is a Reformed Baptist pastor. His manners make me blush as an American. They train their children so well there! He is such a wonderful representative of his family and his country. In this picture, he is talking to Benny, which he did for long periods of time. Ben lOVES to talk and he found that Ern was a willing listener. Ern's english is amazingly good. He was able to carry on conversation with Ben and still listen in to what was being said around the table, all in his second language. We enjoyed getting to talk with him and have him at our home. We also enjoyed the opportunity to better get to know some of the young men who have been attending our services.
Ern is here in Morgantown to attend the University. He is from Malaysia. He is actually chinese, but has grown up in Malaysia where his father is a Reformed Baptist pastor. His manners make me blush as an American. They train their children so well there! He is such a wonderful representative of his family and his country. In this picture, he is talking to Benny, which he did for long periods of time. Ben lOVES to talk and he found that Ern was a willing listener. Ern's english is amazingly good. He was able to carry on conversation with Ben and still listen in to what was being said around the table, all in his second language. We enjoyed getting to talk with him and have him at our home. We also enjoyed the opportunity to better get to know some of the young men who have been attending our services.
It was nice to see the faces to go along with the names you have given me. Ern's photo shows him to be as nice of face as you say he is in character. Hope your week is going along smoothly with homeschooling now. LOVE
It seems like a blessing for your boys to be able to spend such quality time with all of these young Christian men.
This is such encouragement. I will pray for these young men that they will grow in leadership -Bible based leadership skills.
Of course, you are always in my prayers. Thank you John, Jennie, and the Jones grandparents for sharing your children with me.
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