Friday, November 20, 2009


I thought I'd post a collection of kid things from the last couple of weeks. This picture is the closest thing I could get of them both looking at the camera. They were wearing matching pajamas and I thought that would make a good picture, but sometimes, it's just not the right time to get two kids smiling and looking at the same time! :)

Cecily was quickly done with that sitting for no reason thing and kept on trying to exit the premises!

So, they happened to end up with matching dresses too so we attempted to photograph these as well. Another day, another time of day and still it's just so hard to do. Cecily is so serious when I pull out the camera!

This one's not too bad. I let them go play after this.

Anyone else hear quick-paced, small footsteps behind them every time they open the fridge? The girls found some grapes on this visit to the fridge. Cecily freely partakes, of course!

Millie is here displaying the lovely tower that she made with... (?), I was William. I like the way she cradles her baby's head. She's very good to her baby.
The other day I sat out on the deck and snapped some pictures while the kids played around me.

By the way, Ben lost his first tooth. He was so excited to be big enough, of course.

It's difficult to get a genuine happy look from Ben, so this is a rare shot.

Couldn't catch baby at all. She's just too fast these days.

Tickling toes.

This is Amelia trying to imitate Benjamin.

She also did a whole lot of twirling around.

She's such a happy girl, always bouncing and dancing from place to place. We think she brings a lot of joy and sweetness.

The feminine influence is welcome. The boys benefit greatly.

William found an inchworm.
Fuzzy inchworm, but I liked the clarity of Will's face.

Just a happy moment at the dinner table, following a meal.

Funny: Will actually did the calculations to figure out exactly how many seconds each person in our family has been alive. He made a slip of paper for each individual, did the math, labeled it with their name and deposited them all into an envelope he made for them.
Then he felt inspired to figure out how many seconds there have been in all of time. He figured out how many were in a year and multiplied it by 2009. We told him he'd have to multiply that by three to get about how many seconds have passed in all of history. That's what you see above.

We took a walk bright and early to the neighborhood park a few days back.

The air, the light and the kids all looked so fresh.

Walking home.


Anonymous said...

Oh so precious. I just love your blog. Wish I could be there. I need to get my blog caught up. I feel so behind in everything. Yuk. Nice day today tho.

Hannah Moss said...

Wow, these pictures were *really* adorable!! :)