The day after Christmas Peter officiated the second wedding of the season. I brought the kids just before the service was going to begin. We took several pictures on our way into the church.
Amelia is all ready in her new dress from Grammy.

We came into this gorgeous sanctuary and found our seat.
The bride and groom coming down the aisle after the ceremony is through.
The bride and groom entering the reception hall after their pictures were done upstairs.
Peter and I decided to take the kids on a walk back up to the sanctuary while waiting for the food line to diminish a bit.
The girls at the front of the sanctuary, by the choir benches.
I tried to get a picture of them in their matching dresses.
The best I could do.
Miss Cecily is enjoying some freedom to stretch her legs.

After a delicious meal, the couples are lining up for some dancing.

This isn't the greatest picture, but Tim and Shaela (bride and groom) are at the top of the rows reeling the set.
Cecily is clapping to the music.
Tim and Shaela reel all the way to the end of the rows and here is Tim going around for the last time.
Amelia's friend, Isaac, saying, "I want to sit in that chair."
He would laugh and laugh. :)
The following pictures were taken by the photographer for the wedding, Miss Ashley Hughes. She posted these online and gave me permission to use some here.
Kneeling for the benediction.
Ready to retreat after the pronunciation.
I love this picture. The face to the left is that of the father of the bride. A very happy moment.
The following pictures were taken by the photographer for the wedding, Miss Ashley Hughes. She posted these online and gave me permission to use some here.