Saturday, February 13, 2010


Stealing Calvin's pencil bag.

Now she's got a marker too and trying to pry her way into dad's office.

Once she was deterred from all of that, she was looking for something new to lift.

Millie and babies (all of them!) napping.

Woops, Benny snuck in here.

Very grubby-faced girls getting a clean-up.

This is a dress that my mom made for Amelia. Cecily is getting some good use out of it.

Gotta love the eyes. Very expressive look to ward me off with my camera.

There's a happy face. :)

Guess what? Cecily has started staying put, looking at me and smiling when I get out the camera. This is a very good improvement this month!

We are REALLY enjoying the blue snowflake dresses from Grammy.

I think this one is my favorite even though Cecily isn't looking at the camera.


Another outfit made by my mom for Amelia.

Isn't that hat funny? I took the picture while she was eating so that she wouldn't bother taking it off.

It's so much fun to pull these clothes out from Millie and put on homemade things for Cecily. Thanks so much, Mom!


Anonymous said...

Totally fun photos. There's nothing sweeter than sisters. No bugs, or snakes, or other boy stuff, but plenty of fun and adventure.

Lora said...

I love the matching blue dresses and also the outfit that Cecily had on with the hat. Reminds me of one Jorie used to wear when she was about that age.