Friday, May 29, 2009


The Moss Family usually host lunch for the many single young men and the Carpenter Family on Sundays after church. The Carpenters travel more than 2 hours to worship with us, so we always try to feed them at someone's home before they head back to their own home. Since the Mosses needed to take a Sunday off to attend a graduation party, we decided to host lunch over at our house this last Sunday. Even though the Carpenters didn't end up coming to church, we enjoyed having over a number of other people. The Oldland family, with their six young children, came as well as Joshua and Kristin Stedman with baby Titus and 4 single men. We had some pulled pork sandwhiches, coleslaw, baked beans and chips in the basement. Eventually, we had some dessert then headed outside for some physical activity. The men all played ultimate frisbee for a while. It was pretty hot, so we brought out cups and pitchers of ice water until they finally collapsed on the porch in the shade. Below is Bill and Jocelyn Oldland with baby Jonathan, Tim Woody, Kent Kicher and Peter with Cecily.I never seem to take many pictures in the midst of the eating and chatting, I'm too busy!! After most of that was done, Jocelyn and I finally went outside and spent some time with the little ones, which is what I got pictures of, of course.
This is how I found Evan Jackson and Patrick Thompson: playing duck, duck, goose with the kids.
When Patrick was in the middle, they all started pulling up grass and throwing it at him. He was really laughing at that.
I liked the way the kids could run in this game, but it was organized. It was really nice of Evan and Patrick to play with them. They played several different games and really spent some time with them. The kids love that!
This is Evan chasing Sarah Grace.
Sam kept giving me funny faces.
Cecily watched the fun from her blanket on the grass.
Millie and Katrina had a good time with this wagon.
We took them over to the playset for a while. They are a little bit small to climb on it without some help.
Jocelyn helping Katrina.
Helping Millie.
And catching Millie.
Amelia hasn't really gotten used to balancing herself on a regular swing because we have a baby swing on the set. She was wanting to try it out, so I set her up there.
She surprised me and didn't want to swing, but go backwards and upside-down.
Sam Oldland worked on his handbar ability.
And Calvin did his own little thing.
The Oldlands hung around and ordered pizza for dinner with us. The kids thought it was the most marvelous thing to be able to spend the whole day together. After supper they got into the dress-up box and suddenly some furry animals and a valiant knight appeared in my basement.
Can't you tell they had a marvelous day together? It's been fun to watch these four boys get to be friends. Samuel and William Oldland are basically the same ages as Benjamin and Calvin. I think these will be good memories in years to come. My, how we love Sunday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great Sunday. Thanks for letting us share it with you. I love how those young men relate to the little ones. Some good role modeling for years to come I suspect. There is nothing more encouraging than that.
I will post later today. Things are good here.