Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Little Something Current

These pictures are from the end of May.  Since I've been posting all the photos from Williamsburg, they're a little outdated.  Somebody passed me a bag of hand-me-downs not too long ago that had this little blue swimsuit for Bronwyn in it.  She doesn't really need a swim suit, but it was cute so we've been putting it on her. 
She was 7 months old in these pictures.
She has graduated from the cradle to this portable crib.  Here is where she spends more than half of her time, sleeping away her babyhood.  :)
And since I'm posting pictures of Bronwyn, here is Her Cuteness in the tub.
A little bit of splashing to learn about the interesting water around her.
A couple of sillies pretending to be sleeping together.
Eli loves his brothers and the feeling is mutual.
Here is Farmer Elijah surveying the crops.
Planting potatoes with Sam.  I don't believe I have posted pictures of the garden yet this year.  In the picture below you can see the strawberry and rhubarb bed that we put in this year, the vegetable garden below that and the fence that Sam is working on building around it.
And last, one of the many fish caught so far this year.  This was the first Walleye that they've caught that was big enough to bring home to fillet.  I'll be posting a picture of Sam eating his Walleye later.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love to see those smiling kiddos doing what they do best - being children in a loving family. Isn't summer just fun.

Praying for you all every day,