Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Last Friday we got the opportunity to take some friends that we hadn't seen in a while out to visit Cooper's Rock. The Ha family are a homeschooling family that we met when we were living in Pennsylvania. They have three sons that are similar to my first three sons' ages. When all those boys get together they always have a great time.
There's some really wonderful rock formations at Cooper's Rock that the boys love to explore and play in/on. They couldn't wait to take the Has there. There's all kinds of crevices, tunnels and caves.
All 7 boys had some sort of gun to play with. The rocks are great to hide behind in pretend combat.
Such a beautiful place. The mother, Sarah Ha, and I enjoyed talking and watching them play.

The one girl in the group couldn't possibly keep up with all that boy-ness.
There are so many interesting things to see at Cooper's Rock. I thought these exposed roots were interesting.
There they are all together. From left to right, Samuel, Ezra Ha, Isaac Ha, Jonas Ha, Benjamin, Calvin and William.
When I asked them who they were when they were playing, they said, "Marines at Belleau Wood." I believe that's a location of a WWI battle. It was so fun for my boys to have some nice boys to play with who are interested in the same kinds of things. We were grateful for the time!

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